Sunday, February 19, 2012

God keeps His promises.
God told Solomon that because his heart was divided, away from God and towards his many women, that God would divide his kingdom.
However, God had promised David that He would sustain Solomon's rule. so this division would occur w/ Solomon's son.
Reheboam received advice from two different sources: wiser, older advisers; and younger foolish foos. he decided to follow the bad advice.
consequences ensued.
God's promises came true.

taught this passage to 7-10 year olds at sunday school. the kids were more interested in the fact that solomon had 700 wives than any other part of the story. the scripture also mentions that solomon had 300 concubines. best questions asked:

-"what's a concubine? like, a stripper?"
-"so if king solomon had 700 wives, that means he had to get an extra 699 flowers and candy on valentine's day?!"