Friday, October 03, 2003

back for a bit. september was a game of catch up. acts is sweet. and the vision for this semester is acts.
pardon the relationship talk. anyway, so philippians 3:7-8 is awesome. came to this realization last year through smell group bible studies as we went through this book. so, when you confide in me who your crush is, i always gotta be straight with you and ask, "is s/he rubbish compared to jesus?" hopefully the answer is yes. but i came across the king james version today from yay for king james, the new word is "dung". as in, dung. can you say that those things you once counted gain now stink like poo?
"but what things were gain to me, those i counted loss for christ. yea doubtless, and i count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of christ jesus my lord: for whom i have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that i may win christ. php 3:7-8"