Saturday, May 31, 2003

god disciplines the ones he loves. joy is unending.
a month of fury. the things about you i hate the most are reflections of my own weaknesses. ooo! i can no longer rant.

Wednesday, May 28, 2003

burp: 2sam14: wisdom/discernment come from above.
today: is physix catch-up day.

Tuesday, May 27, 2003

burp: 2sam13: i'm not sure i get it yet. john 1: in the beginning! here's some stuff to chew on and chew some more.
today: 1. lrc has free colour printing! except i need to bring my own paper. thanks lan. 2. stinky pass/fail! at least it's not bringing me any additional stress (or is it?). no more paying 400$/credit for history classes where i just regurgitate material. 3. it's that time again. ooo! [baby i love your way...]
a sermon about nothing! >resources>sermons>access>friday 5/23.

Monday, May 26, 2003

burp: 2sam10-12: scandalous stories! moral: seek him, his presence, his will, his way, the best way. not my way.
today: so nice to see high school posse again. i miss them. "so why doesn't korea or japan have sars problems?" inha: "kimchee" yosuke: "natto" me: "i'd rather not eat natto" yosuke: "hey! don't hate!"

Thursday, May 22, 2003

burp: 2sam7: v.24 who is there like you? luke 24: v.29 "but they urged him strongly, 'stay with us, for it is nearly evening; the day is almost over.' so he went in to stay with them." stay with me today.

Wednesday, May 21, 2003

burp: 2sam6: v.11 where the lord was, that household was blessed. v. 7 god struck uzzah for his error (whoa dunno what to say). v. 14 "david danced before the lord with all his might." then continued to worship and offer sacrifices. v. 21-22 "...therefore i will play music before the lord. and i will be even more undignified than this, and will be humble in my own sight..." o praise him. luke 24: the biggest news of all time should be known by all. v. 34 risen indeed!
this week: taf jh=100%. spring classes are half over! joke of the year: "can i leave more furniture in your basement?" what else can you do? silvia: "i have to talk to you about something...EAT!" at bbq with the best class EVER.

Wednesday, May 14, 2003

burp: 1sam.27-28ish: samuel told saul he'd soon be with him (dead). with him where? at least with him i guess. but on earth the consequences to saul's sins were still unavoidable. despite grace which saves from the ultimate consequence (eternal separation from the creator), there are still consequences. better to resist it. luke22: god will not be mocked. he already was, and as a result, kicked darkness in the bootay.
meanwhile, heard this week: sunc: "JUNIORS!" kt: "purse-snatcher!" tofu: "rawr." dc's new shirt: "if you're close enough to read this you've already gotten sars" or something. sjjl: "visit the shore to hang out with your beach bums soon." and there are a lot of pebbly beach bums. :P

Friday, May 09, 2003

burp:1sam.22: doeg sought the approval of saul. ahimelech sought the approval of the lord; he (his house) was better off in the end.
this past week: advice from taiwanese mom's network: "don't go to china merchandise because you might get sars." advice from v: "write this down for future reference and tell all the girls you know: be sure to drop hints." english class: "The Mountain" (painting). history class: "green" in 1890s eastern european immigrant community in new york = "fobby" in present day lingo.

Thursday, May 08, 2003

back? maybe.