already, but not yet.
the right thing to do, but not quite exactly.
so there has been a lot of media hype about the end of the world. non-christians mocking christians at the fact that people have given up all their worldly possessions in anticipation of jesus coming back to earth to take his followers to heaven, (before mass destruction). then christians against christians, throwing scriptures back and forth.
namely, no one will know the day or time. only the Father knows.
anyway, the prophecy was not quite fulfilled. to my knowledge, the rapture did not occur last saturday.
i don't really watch much of the news. so i haven't seen the reactions of the people who were waiting to be taken up to skies. it's never nice to be duped. the prophet, apparently made the same claims in 1994... and then keeps changing the date. sounds like crying wolf. but he supposedly doesn't care coz he be makin lots of money with his followin.
okay, so there are thousands of folks who have laid down everything (retirement money, children's college funds, homes, belongings...) for the cause of christ.
now they have nothing. some fear that they will be bitter at church leaders for deceiving them. and maybe even fall away from God.
sounds a little tragic.
lemme rewind my thoughts.
okay, so there are thousands of folks who have laid down everything (retirement money, children's college funds, homes, belongings, pets...) for the cause of christ.
that doesn't sound too far from what jesus calls us to do.
-leave our nets, and follow him.
-take no money, no food, no extra tunic.
-sell everything and give to the poor. ok, maybe these people didn't give to the poor.
well, we humans don't always get it exactly right anyway.
God looks at our hearts. which aren't completely ever totally motivationally pure.
but when we have nothing of this world, there's all the more room on the throne of our hearts for Christ. then He works. in us. through us. for us. not against us.
it's great to wait for kingdom come. it's obviously not here all the way. but it's here since emmanuel.
well, i hope to see some good coming out of these situations. and i have faith that God will redeem, restore, renew, as he is currently redeeming, restoring, renewing. because He is passionate for His name.
'tis sweet to trust in Him.
the right thing to do, but not quite exactly.
so there has been a lot of media hype about the end of the world. non-christians mocking christians at the fact that people have given up all their worldly possessions in anticipation of jesus coming back to earth to take his followers to heaven, (before mass destruction). then christians against christians, throwing scriptures back and forth.
namely, no one will know the day or time. only the Father knows.
anyway, the prophecy was not quite fulfilled. to my knowledge, the rapture did not occur last saturday.
i don't really watch much of the news. so i haven't seen the reactions of the people who were waiting to be taken up to skies. it's never nice to be duped. the prophet, apparently made the same claims in 1994... and then keeps changing the date. sounds like crying wolf. but he supposedly doesn't care coz he be makin lots of money with his followin.
okay, so there are thousands of folks who have laid down everything (retirement money, children's college funds, homes, belongings...) for the cause of christ.
now they have nothing. some fear that they will be bitter at church leaders for deceiving them. and maybe even fall away from God.
sounds a little tragic.
lemme rewind my thoughts.
okay, so there are thousands of folks who have laid down everything (retirement money, children's college funds, homes, belongings, pets...) for the cause of christ.
that doesn't sound too far from what jesus calls us to do.
-leave our nets, and follow him.
-take no money, no food, no extra tunic.
-sell everything and give to the poor. ok, maybe these people didn't give to the poor.
well, we humans don't always get it exactly right anyway.
God looks at our hearts. which aren't completely ever totally motivationally pure.
but when we have nothing of this world, there's all the more room on the throne of our hearts for Christ. then He works. in us. through us. for us. not against us.
it's great to wait for kingdom come. it's obviously not here all the way. but it's here since emmanuel.
well, i hope to see some good coming out of these situations. and i have faith that God will redeem, restore, renew, as he is currently redeeming, restoring, renewing. because He is passionate for His name.
'tis sweet to trust in Him.